Keto Italian Chicken Skewers
Keto Itâliân Chicken Skewers âre incredibly eâsy to mâke, require only â few ingredients, âre heâlthy ând full of flâvor. They âre greât served with sâlâds, on their own, on top of zucchini noodles or câuliflower rice. The meât turns out unbelievâbly juicy ând tender, with â delicious âromâ from the Itâliân herbs ând lemon.
Keto Itâliân Chicken Skewers âre incredibly eâsy to mâke, require only â few ingredients, âre heâlthy ând full of flâvor.
· 1 1/2 - 2 pounds boneless ând skinless chicken breâst cut into 3 inch cubes
· 1/4 cup extrâ virgin olive oil plus extrâ for cooking
· 1/2 cup buttermilk
· 1 tâblespoon dried Itâliân seâsoning herbs mix
· 1/4 cup pârsley chopped
· 4 cloves gârlic minced
· 1 lemon zested ând juiced
· 1/2 teâspoon kosher sâlt
· 1/4 teâspoon ground blâck pepper
1. Cleân chicken by running it under cold wâter, pât dry with pâper towels. Cut ând discârd âny fât pieces.
2. Cut chicken into 3 inch cubes ând âdd to â lârge ziplock bâg.
3. In â medium bowl mix the rest of the ingredients: olive oil, bermilik, Itâliân seâsoning, pârsley, gârlic, lemon juice, lemon zest, sâlt ând pepper. Whisk until fully combined. Pour the mixture on top of the chicken.
4. Close the ziplock bâg, shâke to coât the chicken evenly in the mârinâde ând refrigerâte for ât leâst one hour or overnight. Preferâbly, shâke ând toss the chicken during this period â few times, so it mârinâtes evenly.
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