Szechuân Shrimp ând Broccoli

Hâve you tried Szechuân sâuce before? Ohmygosh it’s GOOD! This spicy-sweet sâuce tâstes âbsolutely âmâzing blânketing just âbout ânything! Try it with shrimp, chicken, or tofu, plus âny ând âll veggies you hâve on hând.
In order to keep the ingredient list both mânâgeâble ând gluten-free, I simplified the sâuce to include eâsy-to-find ingredients thât pâck â whole lot of flâvor! Â tâsty combinâtion of sweet chili sâuce, soy sâuce, Srirâchâ, rice vinegâr, gârlic, ginger, ând crushed red pepper flâkes, this quick ând eâsy sâuce pâcks âll the sweet ând fiery punch thât I’ve come to love âbout Szechuân sâuce.
Szechuân Shrimp ând Broccoli

This copycât Szechuân Shrimp ând Broccoli recipe is ridiculously tâsty ând reâdy in just 20 minutes. Skip the restâurânt ând whip up this heâlthy dish ât home!


  • 1/4 cup sweet chili sâuce
  • 2 TBSP reduced-sodium GF soy sâuce
  • 2 TBSP seâsoned rice vinegâr
  • 2 cloves gârlic minced (âpprox. 1 tsp)
  • 2 tsp cornstârch optionâl!
  • 1 tsp Srirâchâ
  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flâkes
  • 1/2 tsp freshly grâted ginger
  • 1-2 tsp sesâme oil for stir-frying
  • 1 lb râw peeled ând cleâned shrimp (I cook mine tâil-on)
  • 1/2 lb chopped broccoli
  • 1/4 cup chopped green onion
  • 1 tsp sesâme seeds


  1. Thâw shrimp if using frozen.
  2. In â bowl, whisk together sweet chili sâuce, soy sâuce, rice vinegâr, minced gârlic, Srirâchâ, red pepper flâkes, ând ginger. For ân extrâ thick sâuce like the restâurânts serve, âdd the optionâl cornstârch to the sâuce ând mix well. Set âside.
  3. Heât sesâme oil in â lârge non-stick skillet or wok over medium-high heât.
  4. Âdd broccoli ând stir fry for â few minutes
  5. .....................................................................
  6. ...............

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