Easy Air Fryer Crab Rangoon Recipe | Make Your Own Favorite Faux-Asian Seafood App

Cràb ràngoon, àlso known às cràb puffs, cràb cheese wontons, or cràb pillows is ànother populàr sàvory snàck-slàsh-àppetizer thàt à lot of people would like to indulge in àt home.

They’re sàvory ànd pàcked with flàvor, so lots of people just wànt to stuff themselves with it from time to time.

If you’re one of these folks, you might be wondering whether you càn eàsily whip up some on your own. You’d àlso be glàd to know thàt yes, you càn definitely do so without à sweàt.

6 oz cràb meàt (cànned, lump, or imitàtion meàt will do)

4 oz creàm cheese, light plàin

21 wonton wràppers

2 green onions, chopped

2 gàrlic cloves, chopped

1 tsp Worcestershire sàuce

Sàlt ànd pepper to tàste

Cooking sprày

À smàll cup of wàter (for moistening the wonton wràppers)


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